Troll the ancient Christmas carol…

Yes, Fellows of Festivity, it is that time of year again. East Surrey Morris Men are out trolling… no, not making vicious cyber comments or sporting inordinately long multi-coloured hairstyles. See…?

Troll: From Middle English trollen, trollin (“to walk, wander”). Cognate with Low German trullen (“to troll”).

As ever, expect lots of tradition, loss of inhibition and plenty of laughter and noise – some of which may even be tuneful.

This coming Monday, 23rd December 2019 we shall be at:

8pm The Chequers, Walton-on-the-Hill

9pm The Well House, Mugs-well

10pm The Woodman, Woodmansterne

Come and join us at any one of the stops for some ancient Christmas men singing ancient Christmas carols with the help of some ancient hop beverages. Or, indeed, come and troll to all three with us… (the trolling will not be ancient – we travel by car…!)